Saturday, January 23, 2010

What is Christmas without Grandma and Grampa! We were so lucky to have such a long, wonderful visit from Wisconsin...Tazzy and Co.!
Gramma Momma had fun with Owen's gifts as well and the whole family! How does a kid really need??
Christmas Eve brunch was at Nanny and Pappa's again this year and the kids are multiplying and having even more fun that ever!
Katie and two of her LuLu girls...what fun to sing carols! (led by roger, of course!)
Christmas Eve service was at Edinbrook this year...This dress has been planned for her first birthday/Christmas since I was pregnant with her. I don't think this is one I will part with...ever. I will finally understand why my own mother still has my cubbies vest I wore when I was three.
Snack-time...there is always "snack-time" built in somewhere!
Gabby is to the age that when brother is having a snack...she better get one too!
"Who? Me?"
After Christmas Eve service...and snack-time...we had a jolly good time at Grandma Nanna's and Grampa Rog's place for food, song, good company, and raucous dice game where we walked away with next to nothing! All was fun though! :-)
By the time we opened gifts...Gabby was already down for nap! so Owen had fun opening and helping all open theirs.
Even Gramma Mimi slept over Christmas Eve (after her midnight service!), and was there to wake up with us on Christmas morning for breakfast, gifts, and playing in the snow that came down and down and down some more.

Gramma returned the generosity (as always) by inviting us over for dinner the next day. I have to admit that Owen wore these jammies from Christmas Eve (when he got them from Aunt Lori) and did not change until Sunday morning when it was time to say good-bye to Gramma Momma and Grampa Phil...What am I going to do with this little man? Stubborn little man...I have already had to make big decisions about which battles I must fight and which I can let go of. He did take a bath...but jammies went right back on! Gotta love him! :-)

1 comment:

Hampers said...

Thanks for sharing the Christmas updates and memories. Your kids are adorable. Like your family. Have a great time.