Saturday, September 10, 2011

A picnic with Mimi

One day we stopped to hook up Gramma Mimi's cable box.
Done in a snap so we invited her to our picnic.
We were headed to one of Owen's favorite destinations:  the dam.

 We'd only been there once, but since Owen had found a frog there,
it was a very memorable trip.
 It was a beautiful day, a beautiful picnic, and beautiful company!
 The pounding of the water, the blowing of the wind, the smiling of a little boy in wonder...
 Poor Gabby plugged her ears half the time...
 and didn't appreciate the water sprayed back at us.
 Mimi was wondering why it had been so long since she'd visited.
Afterall, it is just a mile or two from her home.

 It was a fun adventure and we found a way to get there quicker from our own home.
It's only a mile or two from us as well!
Owen is especially excited because he gets to go there for a field trip sometime this year!
Should be fun!

1 comment:

Gramma Mama said...

I would love to go for a picnic there sometime! Great pictures.