Thursday, October 06, 2011

First (official) school photo...

It is so bad that I don't count pre-school pictures?  :-)
I think we may be out of the pajama stage...
It's been a long stage...
I like saying that everything is a "stage" during this whole thing called parenting.
It gives me hope for the future...
and lots of things to look back and smile on because, once through, they can be funny.
I am going to go out on a limb and say...
Owen absolutely loves Kindergarten.
He is so excited to go and excited when I pick him up.
He is excited to tell me what he did and about the book he got to bring home.
He's excited to practice his letters and words...
This morning I was trying to finish reading some of my own students journals.
I was sitting at the kitchen table, 
and Owen saw that I was reading them and writing notes on them.
It was like he wanted to do that too.  
He found his paper and markers and went to town.
Never...Never in his 5 years has he wanted to sit down and practice writing...
or drawing for that matter!

 As a parent there is so much out of our control...
But there is so much we must control at the same time.
Balance...the secret ingredient of life.

1 comment:

MaryM said...

Enjoy all those "stages"! You usually don't go back to them... Now let me see; what stage are MY kids in?