Sunday, May 20, 2012


 I have not had time to update about one other thing of Owen's coming to a close.
Kindergarten graduation is in less than two weeks and Sparkies was over two weeks ago.
Growing up in AWANA makes me a proud momma.
 When I grew up, we had awards as they came.  
I don't remember there being a big night at the end to hand out book awards...
But maybe my memory is escaping me.
 We remembered to wear our vest this year!
 It's especially exciting when your daddy is a leader!
 So exciting that Gabby is already planning to be in Cubbies in September!
 Owen got his awards for finishing his book and doing the review too.

Proud boy...I am so glad he loves it
and he feels loved...
is safe...
is cared for...
Thank you Church

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