It often takes something tough to make us appreciate the beauty of the blessings in our lives. I will say that Roger and I had a fun engagement and wonderful wedding. We've traveled to Hawaii, Jamaica, Canada, Colorado, Ohio, Illinois, and Florida together, not to mention the few short trips within MN...and...we've only been married a little over three years. Owen will be 2 in June and he has not been sick more than a day in all that time...until this past week. His fever didn't go away, I stayed home and held him for two days; Roger stayed home for another two days as well. His fever and congestion held on so we ended up at the doctor on Thursday afternoon. He confirmed a cold...then surprised us by saying he had a double ear-infection...and then...he took x-rays to confirm a bit of pneumonia as well! Poor little guy! I had spent many hours rocking, hugging, praying...Owen was so miserable! He didn't want to play ball. He didn't want bananas. He didn't even want crackers. It took this bit of suffering for me to redefine that Owen is the BEST thing that has ever happened to us, been given to us, and that we've been blessed with. It was in the middle of the night, one night last week, that Owen prayed,
God heard and healed. Owen has eaten at least two bananas a day the past two days and is running around with his basketball again. Whew! What a is how it all looked:
Such a cute little face...
Good to hear he's better now...
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