Sunday, February 25, 2007

Little boy playing with trucks! My precious little guy is turning into a "real boy" (as auntie emmy says). :-) Such personality and life. He's so vocal and smiley...when he's in a good mood. However, today he is not feeling well and can't tell us what hurts. Church was cancelled so we thought we'd sleep in and have a good day relaxing at home, but, Owen was up at 5:30-nnot happy. He just fell asleep again now, though; sitting with daddy in the recliner. It's 7:30. We are snowed in and wondering what to do next. The house looks like a storm blew through it...perhaps clean? hmmmm... I've gotten to the point where Owen's toys rarely get "put away" because we just pull them out as soon as they are put away. Oh well...some things in life just "gotta give." Right?

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